Eight things learned/unlearned while developing conscious living habits.
ursidae ursidae

Eight things learned/unlearned while developing conscious living habits.

Things I’ve learned/unlearned while developing conscious living habits

number one:

If it sounds too good to be true—

it probably is.

Predatory behavior upon the curious, the emotionally vulnerable is something to be aware of. Just like get-rich schemes, any workshop claiming you can change your life overnight

(for only $1,111!) is suspect. Pre-paying for a ten pack of “ultimate” breathing sessions or buying the blessed candle or healing crystal that promises to fix your love life or health problems should be avoided. You are the healer — always— so be discerning when you are choosing to work with a teacher or guide. Ask questions- you are in the power position of choice.

number two:

Avoid MLMs (multi-level marketing)

See slide #1. There are whole documentaries exploiting MLMs and their predatory nature — and on female identifying, specifically. Earn money fast! just sign your friends up, ours is the best, our training is legitimate, etc. Their formulas are great, they are proprietary and have all the stuff you want in them/can only get from them, and if you sign up NOW you get a subscriber discount and if you sign up your friends, we’ll give you a steeper discount! These companies will bring you to trainings and give you a print off certificate and you will have enough knowledge to be potentially dangerous to yourself and others — and it’s usually because of your well intentioned desire to break free from allopathic and traditional medicine in a system that fears naturopathy. Be warned! You don’t want to join a cult.

Which leads me to #3

number three:

Don’t ingest Essential Oils

There are some generally safe-to-ingest essential oils in small quantities (citrus, for example). Veriditas by Pranarom has a safe guideline use chart that is helpful for certified organic essential oils, but, generally it is a poor idea to ingest essential oils which are HIGHLY potent (ex. 1 drop of lemon EO = 100 lemons). Use discretion, utilize a naturopathic physician trained at a reputable university — not a two week intensive— and dilute essential oils when using topically with a carrier oil.

number four:

If they say they are beyond organic or beyond need for third party verification- RUN.

This is suspect af. I don’t think I need to explain that if you don’t want your sauce tested for extra ingredients - it’s likely because you’re hiding something.

number five:

There is no “spiritual diet” except for one that’s led by intentionality.

There is no one size fits all diet. Listen to your body, experiment if you must, and avoid disordered eating patterns (i.e. orthorexia or the compulsion towards “clean eating” which may lead to isolating yourself from meal gatherings or only consuming your own food, fear around food patterning). If you are an omnivore, vegetarian, vegan or other, great. Know thyself. Clue yourself into fad marketing, educate yourself on food and its sources, i.e. local vs imported impact, etc.

number six:

Don’t avoid the obvious.

When we step into spiritual research, there’s a tendency to want to go beyond the elephant in the room and focus on the subtle spiritual dilemmas. You may go into retreat or therapy to seek an existential or past life cause for current suffering ... meanwhile your toxic relationship patterns, substance abuse disorder or co-dependency is a seething and obvious source for your dis-comfort. Maybe it connects to your past life in a harem or in a power dynamic, or maybe you just need to dig your heels in and do the work. No workshop is a magic wand for doing the hard stuff.

number seven:

You don’t get to skip meditation .


We all try to get around doing this basic noble practice of “making friends with ourselves” but it is the key to unlock the doors of potential.

When we know ourselves -

we don’t get to bullshit ourselves.

Meditation isn’t some travel destination and is accessible to everyone. It’s not about quieting the mind - it’s about observation and allowing yourself to just be.

Which leads me to #8.

number eight:

When we accept ourselves exactly

where we are on our path— that is when true change becomes available.

So many great minds have phrased this eloquently. The fact is most of us are not as evolved as we think we are. When we know our strengths and our weaknesses, we can’t avoid them.

You are exactly where you need to be — and when that is embraced —

your potential is limitless.

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aries new moon + solar eclipse
ursidae ursidae

aries new moon + solar eclipse

What we have to understand— and very much highlighted by the Libra South Node’s pull on the Aries stellium — is that nonaction is a choice. Not making a choice is a choice.

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libra full moon eclipse
ursidae ursidae

libra full moon eclipse

The bucket formation of this chart highlights the movement from imagination into reality: Pisces, Aries, Taurus: the dream, the power, the skill.

This partial eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis reminds me of Octavia E. Butler’s words: “G*d is change.” All life is change and the emphasis on our personal growth is highlighted, asking us to clear space, to pour ourselves out so that we may be refilled.

The sweetness of this chart is in its dominant character, Venus, exalted in the robe of Pisces sextile to Jupiter in Taurus. Slow down. Taste the salt or snow in the air or the spring sweat in the soil. Slow down. Do less.

Jonah Emerson Bell and I discussed this on this week’s Inspired Astrology Podcast and Jonah coined the term “Venusian Revolution.”

What would it mean to focus on pleasure — YOUR pleasure — during turbulent times? If we are to engage in collective liberation, we are indebted to ourselves for taking care of our well-being so that we may offer that to another. This is the classic “secure your oxygen mask before assisting another” analogy. This is not new information, this is not unique or revelatory. Look towards authors like Adrienne Marie Brown and pleasure activism, the work of the Nap Ministry, or towards the words of the incredible Audre Lorde in bolstering community towards collective change by encouraging rage and rest both.

What’s more Mars and Venus in Pisces than that? Rage and rest. Tense and release.

No warrior can fight a battle, on-going, non-stop without rest. There must be refueling, recalculation, pleasure, and a reconnection to what this fight is for.

I ask you to consider what is it you’ve been building towards. What resistance are you meeting as you climb closer to your goals? What level of self-sabotage is creeping into your psyche? What people pleasing? What remorse? What compromises and stories are you telling yourself about what others believe about you?

I ask you to consider what it would feel like to believe in you.

What would it mean to take care of you?

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Aquarius New Moon
ursidae ursidae

Aquarius New Moon

To confront our destiny, we must confront our rage. To confront our rage, we must confront our past.

To make peace with the past is to make peace with chaos.

We seek predictability through training. We train ourselves and are trained by others. We train others to predict our behavior. We believe we can be predictive of others or outcomes.

This delusion leads us to believe we have power

And when we feel powerlessness against chaos

We feel rage.

We may take it out on others through individuated blame. We may take it out on ourselves through martyrdom or our false belief in our sovereignty.

What kind of antidote does it take to see we are built up of what is behind us? That our past is what stabilizes our current status?

What does that mean when the ground beneath us is sand, slippery, unstable, or shifting?

Perhaps we have found some truth, then. That all there is is now.

And the belief you have in who you are

is a fairy tale.

And that the attachment to your identity is a sham.

As we step into the year of the dragon

be audacious. practice fearlessness. Perhaps that leap you’ve been holding so close to your heart, that well-calculated wish, is ripe for birthing.

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Gemini Full Moon 2023
ursidae ursidae

Gemini Full Moon 2023

Drink. Eat. Be Merry. Enjoy. Feel Pleasure. Rest. Sleep. Work. Focus. Plan. Connect. Attend. Repeat.

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Aries Full Moon
ursidae ursidae

Aries Full Moon

You are the one who must discern what you are committed to, what is important, and what responsibilities are yours to hold.

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Virgo New Moon
ursidae ursidae

Virgo New Moon

September 14, 2023 Virgo New Moon

This New Moon meditation is from Ursidae’s MOON MAILER

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